By Jcubes
June 28, 2021Where did the Characters come from?
Just in case you were wondering about the origins of the characters in the book they are basically composites of people I’ve met along the way. Each of them has their own unique history and arc. Matthew Storm is the main protagonist for this story and he’s just as complicated as the rest of us….

By Jcubes
June 26, 2021What was used to write HERA Rising?
Well, that really depends on what time of its development lifetime we are talking about. At the VERY beginning, don’t laugh too much, I wrote it with good ole paper and pen. Yes, no joke, that’s how long ago I started writing this story. Of course computers existed at the time. It wasn’t that long…

By Jcubes
June 24, 2021Concept Artwork live
During the creation of HERA Rising, I always had a visualization in my mind of what some of the aircraft, spacecraft, and weapons might look like. As a result, I drew up some sketches of them in Photoshop and superimposed them over a grid with a “blueprint” type look as it felt more technical reference-like….

By Jcubes
June 23, 2021HERA Rising launches on Amazon
It’s been the culmination of a life’s long dream to write my first novel. So, I took a chance to put this new literary work out there to tell a story that’s been floating around in my head for an extraordinarily long time. I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed making…

By Jcubes
June 20, 2021The HERA Rising BLOG is LIVE!
With the launch of any good piece of writing, it is always best to create a companion site to help get the word out. Therefore, in a fraction of the time it took to write HERA Rising we now have the Official HERA Rising Website and Blog. Over time new little tidbits of info and…

By Jcubes
June 19, 2021June 18th was FREE eBook Day on Amazon!
Just in case you were on Amazon back in June 18th, you would have noticed that the eBook version of HERA Rising was $0 on Amazon. Yes, that’s correct: it was a FREE eBook day to commemorate the launching on Amazon. In case you missed it, I’m sure we’ll have another one on a special…